Top 3 benefits of self-pleasure a.k.a masturbation.

A lot of the evidence for the benefits of masturbation for both men and women is linked more to orgasm than masturbation, says Nicole Prause, a neuroscientist studying sexual behavior and physiology and the founder of the sexual biotechnology company Liberos.
#1 It’s a stress release
Self-pleasure can be a very healthy stress release. Masturbation triggers the release of dopamine in your body – a chemical which creates feelings of contentment and happiness. If you reach orgasm, the hormone oxytocin is also released which reduces the presence of our stress hormone, cortisol.
#2 It can fight insomnia
For the same reasons, masturbation has a similar relaxing effect if you’re having trouble sleeping. As well as the increased levels of dopamine and oxytocin, the post orgasm release of the chemical prolactin can cause a state of drowsiness and slumber. Orgasms can also help women to heighten their REM stage of sleep, deepening sleep and enhancing recuperation.
"Seeking pleasure from ourselves with ourselves is a really good way to keep those neurochemical and hormonal systems primed." – Wise
#3 Gives you self confidence
Spending time on self-pleasure can boost confidence. Your sexual fulfillment shouldn’t depend on having a partner, and when you’re capable of giving yourself orgasms you’ll no longer be reliant on other people for pleasure. This is an incredibly empowering place to be and you’ll feel a sense of independence.
When you get comfortable with masturbating, no one can legislate your orgasm.
The female orgasm is all about pleasure—it has nothing to do with reproduction. It’s time to own that idea, and masturbation can help. “Take a stand now for owning our bodies; find the pleasure in them,”
If I could say anything to that girl walking home from the neighborhood pool in her damp one-piece, it would be this: Don’t hide the pleasure you take in yourself. Tell your friends, tell them to pass it on, and tell your daughter one day: Women should and do masturbate.
To get you started, below are some popular pleasure toys for women —and you can browse more here - Best Malaysia Sex toy shop.